Testimonial: Daniel

I am Daniel Abraham, 37 years old and I fled from Eritrea to The Netherlands. In my daily life I do cycling. I am really a huge cycling enthusiast, I wouldn't know what I would have done without a bike. Perhaps I would have gone down the wrong path. Thanks in part to the bicycle, that is not the case. Nowadays I also help other Eritreans who have fled to The Netherlands to integrate through the bicycle. On the bike I come to myself, I can think, but it also helps me to communicate with other people and to get to know the country better. The bike has been very important to and still is. The bike has defined my life.

Because of my underdeveloped leg I participate in the Paralympic games. At the 2016 Summer Paralympics, I won gold in the C5 class. That is the class for people with a relatively small disability, who can sit on a 'normal' racing bike. But I am also a 'normal' road racer. Previously I was active at Beat cycling Club, an international professional cycling club. As a top athlete, Beyuna supplements are not only a complement to my healthy lifestyle, but also to my sports performance. When I look back on my preparations for competitions, I was able to train well through, among other things, Beyuna supplements and healthy food. Training at such a high level is a huge attack on the body. However, since I use Beyuna supplements I have the advantage of recovering well physically and this has an effect on my performance. I have successfully achieved my goals that I have worked towards. I was also able to do well in the time trial during the world championship in August, I am happy and grateful that I won gold.

Beyuna's vision of health and the supplements are very much in line with my personal vision of health. As a top athlete I was always looking for the best supplements, for my performance and my healthy lifestyle. I got to know Beyuna through an acquaintance and I have been using the Beyuna supplements since 2017. The Beyuna supplements are also safe to use, they are listed on the NZVT list and this guarantees that the products are doping-free. From the moment I started using supplements, I started to perform better. Although my focus is on using the supplements to get the most out of my health and sports performance, I do try to inform people about Beyuna and the benefits of the nutritional supplements. It would be nice to convince people to use the supplements in the future and to eventually become a distributor. Because I know what Beyuna can do for me as a top athlete. i would like to share this with the rest.